The Southern Arizona Hiking Club
Exploring the Mountains, Canyons & Trails of Southern Arizona for Over 60 Years
Exploring the Mountains, Canyons & Trails of Southern Arizona for Over 60 Years

Welcome to SAHC!

Experience the natural wonders of Southern Arizona with Tucson's leading hiking club.

Discover places you'd never visit on your own. Form lasting friendships in the process. With more than 500 members and 60 guides, our club offers a wide range of weekly guided activities - mall walking to peak bagging - easy to strenuous. And members are free to participate when and where they choose.

Want More Information?

New and prospective members are welcome to contact club member Nancy Debolt. She would be delighted to tell you how our club works, answer questions and get you started.

Monthly Program Meeting

On the third Tuesday of the each month, speakers are invited to come and present on a wide variety of subjects ranging from local and international hiking to desert wildlife. The presentations are held at the Catalina United Methodist Church, located at 2700 E Speedway Blvd Room H230, Tucson, AZ 85716 (Parking available east of the building) starting at 6:00 PM. The public is welcome to attend.

Program Meeting on March 18 at 6 pm
Brave the Wild River: The Untold Story of Two Women Who Mapped the Botany of the Grand Canyon Melissa Sevigny
Science journalist Melissa Sevigny is the author of three books and is known for her lyrical non-fiction explorations of science, nature and history - with a focus on the American West. Her most recent book, Brave the Wild River, traces the historic but often overlooked 43-day whitewater odyssey of botanists Elzada Clover and Lois Jotter through the Grand Canyon in 1938. The women created what would become the baseline of recorded plant life in the canyon. Sevigny uses their story to tell botany's larger story - to explain how landscape changes, and how dams, invasive species and other human impacts have transformed the canyon's ecology. Sevigny grew up in Tucson. She has a B.S. in environmental science and policy from the University of Arizona and an MFA in creative writing and environment from the University of Iowa. Her writing has appeared in publications as diverse as The New York Times, Orion and High Country News. She is currently the science reporter at KNAU Radio in Flagstaff where her stories have aired nationally on NPR, been featured on Science Friday and received Edward R. Murrow Awards for excellence. Mostly Books will have Sevigny's book for sale at our meeting if you'd like to purchase it and have it signed.
MelissaLSevigny photo
Melissa Sevigny with book
BraveTheWildRiver finalcover
NPS Photo


Check out our actual calendar of events below.


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